Whale Watching at IMCC4


By Michael Gatherall

(Photo: Terry Howard – Creative Commons License)

You know it’s a special place when families put down roots that remain for over hundreds of years. There is something particular about this place and its people much of which has to do with its enduring sea faring heritage.

The Gatherall Family has always been of the sea. For generations our ancestors fished the coastal waters to harvest its sometime abundant and occasionally scarce resources. Times changed and our family changed along with them but we still hold fast to our marine heritage.  We no longer harvest the bounty of the sea but instead now invite guests from the world over to share in our love of the ocean and invite them to learn of its many wonderful inhabitants.

We’re looking forward to your visit as well.  We know that many delegates have an incredible depth of knowledge of all things marine that we cannot wait to learn from you and in turn share your knowledge with our other guests for years to come. We all stand to benefit from sharing our understanding of the marine environment and of course through greater understanding we can all hope and strive to become better stewards of the environment.

For over 30 years the Gatherall Family has introduced travelers to the wonders of the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve. We are privileged to have this natural wonder practically in our front yard.  Once you journey to this special place you’re sure to gain an appreciation for the hold it has on our people. We’re especially delighted that IMCC4 will be held during what is arguably the best time to visit the Reserve. Late July / early August is the peak of the season for whale visitation and is the height of the season for activity in the seabird colony. With over 2.5 million seabirds nesting on the islands and one of the largest annual congregations of humpback whales known to occur in the North Atlantic, it is simply an amazing natural spectacle. This is truly an experience not to be missed.

The Gatherall Family & Crew look forward to the opportunity to host delegates attending IMCC4 in 2016. Up to five daily tour departures are available for general boarding plus a number of sailing especially for IMCC4 participants. We’re so delighted to have you visit that we have extended the special IMCC4 rates to accompanying persons throughout the conference period.

All tours will be conducted on our safe, comfortable and efficient catamaran to ensure you have a great experience. Our friendly, knowledgeable, local guides will be more than happy to answer your questions and to provide you with an educational interpretative program all while having a bit of fun too (we are Newfoundlanders of course)!

We encourage you to book early as it is peak season and we don’t want you to miss out.  Transportation is available for individuals & groups alike and we encourage you to contact at any time should you have any questions or need any other information.


Michael Gatherall is one of the founders of Gatherall’s and manages the operation office when not accompanying tours.


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